Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for September 9, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror. If you have any comments - adebelak@redeemerluth.com .


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror takes the far off God and the far off Reign of God and brings it into the middle of our lives. This is the person and the people who are to be present in Gods' Reign. This is also to be place in which the Reign of God begins to show itself to the world. The Reign of God as a look in the mirror reminds us that all the images of the 'beyond' or the 'next world' or 'heaven' are images of what is to be as we each look at ourselves in the mirror. Here is the place and this is the time and we are characters in whom this Reign comes to life and becomes experienced by everyone in the mirror. Therefore, no matter what we may look like to ourselves or to others, we are within the power of that domain in which God addresses us as beloved and we address one  another as sister and brother. In that address, we are already shaping and being shaped by how our God envisions the peaceable Reign. The Reign of God as a look in the mirror presents us with the agents of peace that brings life into this peaceable Reign - and those agents are always the ones we see in the mirror. There is always an invitation to come and rest and live within the fullness of life God offers to us all.  


O God of love and new life, you are so close we often do not see you. Open our eyes to your common presence that is ready to change the world.  Amen.








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