Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for May 14, 2013

This week: God as a new born. If you have any comments - adebelak@redeemerluth.com [mailto:adebelak@redeemerluth.com]God as a new born is an invitation to reach out and touch one another as a gentle

and caring power. Holding a new born is like holding the future -seeing the future

face-to-face but still not knowing where it will go - where it will take us - how

it will be transformed. In the present, we have a new born - like a new day. It

if fresh and open to life as never before experience. God as a new born invites

us to dream and imagine what will be. This is not an imagination that seeks to control

what will be - it is an imagination filled with freedom to become a child of God

each and every day. Within that freedom to become me and for you to become you

- comes the invitation to become a part of a community. God as a new born is life

that comes into being within the arms of others who are beloved of God. Those arms

are meant to shape the new born into the fullness of God's image. That is a community

endeavor. Just as we love to pass a new born from one person to the next so that

everyone can go 'ahhh', the beloved of God are given the task of wrapping the new

born up with a love that will become that same love - unconditional, eternal, deep

and wide.

O God of love and new life, come and hold us and then send us and then open our

hearts to the wonder of new life that awaits the fullness of our participation.


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