Monday, December 16, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for December 16, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as strange visions. If you have any comments - .


The season of Advent is full of strange visions - things that do not reflect the things that we know as being 'the way things are.' God as strange visions attempts to stretch our hold on reality as we claim to know it. It is stretched so that we will have a glimpse of the reality of God's Reign that is promised. God as strange visions is like a cartoon I saw this week in which a lion and a lamb are sitting at a bar having a beer - as though there was nothing odd about that. We all have our ways of wanting our day to unfold. We have a vision of our own in mind when we come out of the shower or drive to work or enter into the next event of the day. God as strange visions simply disrupts us. We are handed something else. We are offered another way to see the opportunities for life that come to people who trust that God really does inspire us to live within God's peaceable Reign even when it looks so odd - wild - strange - down right ridiculous.


O God of love and new life, help us to see through the lens of your Reign and begin to step into its life.   Amen.








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