Friday, August 2, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for August 2, 2013

This week: God as empty tomb. If you have any comments - [].

Seeing the tomb empty carries with it a bit of fear and trembling. To see no death

where death has always ruled is disarming. What does this mean? What has happened?

What will happen to me now that I am a witness to the end of death's presence right

where death has always made its stone-cold and endless announcement of its rule?

God as empty tomb is God who knows that fear and that trembling and yet moves us

to go ahead and step into that domain and take a look at the powerlessness of death

with God fills that tomb and the emptiness of death is revealed. God as empty tomb

shows the eternal presence of God's Reign - for it is available to us even when

we have believed that other powers rule us. Not only is God's Reign available to

us, it is the power to help us lie down and rest and thrive and be filled with

joy though death keeps trying to sell another story.

O God of love and new life, we love to hear the story of this empty tomb and your

life that is handed to us even as we wonder and doubt and fear and tremble. Praise

to you, O God. Amen.

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