Thursday, August 22, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for August 22, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as death defying. If you have any comments  -


God as death defying sets before us a future that is not ruled by any other power but the power of God's endless love. Therefore, out there beyond the horizon - beyond what can now be seen - is life in which our God sets a table for us so that all may come and eat and drink and be full. God as death defying grasps us and offers us a hand so that which is not yet may become that which is - and then - that which is not yet  - will become that which is yet to come even when we think we have arrived. It is a baffling and wonder-filled experience that always leaves death speechless. God as death defying spins death around and around so that death does not even know its own domain for God's life enters all things in all times. God as death defying is laughter - grand, laughter that brings a blast of fresh air and freedom.


O God of love and new life, as we look out to the horizon, you are already covering us in you peace and delivering us into life beyond that which we think we know so well. Praise be to you. Amen.











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