Friday, August 30, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for August 30, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as 'coming through the door'. If you have any comments  -


I always like to remind folks that before we do things that are associated with being a holy people beloved by God - we are already involved in being the beloved of God. Therefore, the green light is on. No need to label something as being 'religious' or 'church-like'. God as 'coming through the door' is opening the door to our hearts so that in all that we become - we will become the ones God already knows we are - beloved. God as 'coming through the door' is the God who was with Jesus on the cross through the whole mess. With each movement - each actions by the powers of death that continued to think they had the day in their back pocket - God was coming through the door reminding Jesus of the never-ending presence of the whole Reigning power of God present and available within Jesus' vulnerability. God as 'coming through the door' is always a grand welcome into that which is to be - the fullness of God.


O God of love and new life, let that fullness of your Reign pour down upon us and be the encouragement for life within this day. Amen.









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