Thursday, October 17, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for October 17, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as violence out of control. If you have any comments  -


How can it be!? How can violence be out of control of the life that will face us this day? The witness of the day is too often that of violence shaping everything from the events that fly by and the words that shoot through our lives. If we hold the notion of God as violence out of control, then where is this God and how can we become a part of the reality we are taught is promised to us all? So I will sink back and ask a favor of you all - be a witness to nonviolence so that I can be encouraged. It is much to easy to fall (ha! the fall) into pay-backs - retribution - retaliation - bad-mouthing - envy - jealousy - etc. And yet, one little movement of God's reality showing  itself - in you - is enough to move me. And if me, who else will be moved and then - for a moment violence is out of control and you were the inspired trigger that changed the reality of violence into the blessedness of  peace. God as violence out of control does exist - I have seen it in you and I have been moved to walk that way - even when I am known for stumbling over and over again. 


O God of love and new life, thank you for visions of your Reign right within this day through the lives of your beloved saints. You place us on a journey of peace with others so that we can help each other along the way - that is salvation. Praise to you, O God.  Amen.









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