Thursday, October 24, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for October 24, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as 'a visible acting out.' If you have any comments  -


God expects us to act out - act out of the promises of God. Take risks that  may mean the world will see something new in us - something that may not been appreciated - something that transforms - something that approaches the rest of the day from a position of healing and forgiveness. God as a visible acting out is when we do no leave it to storytelling of that which once was. Rather, it is the substance of the storytelling about that which is taking place now - that which is pulling us into new life. The story telling of Jesus and the story telling about Jesus invites us to take on a part in the eternal unfolding of this God as a visible acting out. This does not mean we are going to be ones who are puffed up and think we are God's gift to the world - but rather, God's gift to the world ( a Reign of peace and non-violence and forgiveness) gives us an alternative way to live within the world of our day. God as a visible acting takes ordinary folk like us and makes the ordinary actions of our lives the vehicle that acts out the vitality of God's Reign - even when it is not expected or appreciated.


O God of love and new life, make us into the characters of your faithful storytelling so that even within the days around us that can become so routine and old will become a part of the vision of your Holy Reign.  Amen.









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