Friday, December 19, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for December 19, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as keeping on despite the facts. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as keeping on despite the facts is an invitation to take part in an alternative journey through the everyday world as it is. The facts at hand can often make us deal with those facts in ways that make sense. If we are attacked and know the facts about who attacks us, we usually fight back - meet force with force. The Reign of God as keeping on despite the facts teaches us to invite the other into another kind of relationship - another world. It is like turning the other cheek. It is an invitation to the one who strikes us to take part in a character that is not based on the ability to have power over another. It is an act that defies the facts that the other may hold about us. We may be cast as one that can be subjected to a lower position of worth - but we stand up to offer the other cheek to show that the facts that one carries may not be the truth. The Reign of God as keeping on despite the facts allows us to resist the ways of a world in which so-called facts about the other are allowed to rule us and lead us into the many ways of violence that seem to be so accepted in this world.


O God of love and new life, give us space to breathe in the Spirit of your Reign that we will live within vision of your Reign. Amen. 








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