Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for December 30, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as darkness. If you have any comments - adebelak@redeemerluth.com .


The Reign of God as darkness means there is no need to rush off to some other place or time. It is fine to stay put and rest and wonder and be confused and be unable to see that which will come next. For in the darkness there are so many opportunities to be utterly surprised. In the darkness of bigotry, some folks are greeted by love even as bigotry seems to reign. In the darkness of loss, some folks are held up by other lives that are there in the darkness. In the darkness of the ordinary days of our lives, some folks are gifted with eyes that see in the darkness - life blossoming. The Reign of God as darkness allows us to see how much beauty is available when the light within our lives is dim or being diminished to nothing at all. Check out a black and white photo - amazing beauty in the dark spaces as much as in the light. I often think of Maplethorpe photos of black and white people holding each other. They are able to change color within the increase of light or the movement out of light. It is all a part of the fullness of life that we often do not let ourselves experience.


O God of love and new life, you come to us to enlighten our lives even when that all takes place as we find ourselves in utter darkness. Continue to lead us, O God.   Amen. 








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