Monday, December 29, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for December 29, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as darkness. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as darkness places God and God's Reign right into the middle of our lives. No place is outside of this Reigning life. Yes, there is quite a bit of emphasis on light during this time of the year. And yet, as we look to the light, we are in darkness. There is much life in the middle of darkness. It is here in the dark that we come in touch with that which is needed and precious and alive. The Reign of God as darkness allows us to be right where we are. There is no need for a religious barker to call us out of darkness in order to make life better. Rather, in the darkness we are simply engaging a bit more of the truth. The dark side of things are not negative - not something we must avoid. Often, it is as we see and experience life in times of darkness that we are able to see the expansiveness of God's love that does not stay put - out in the light. The stories of Christmas are full of darkness. It is not bad. The darkness of a small village and no room at the inn and a feeding trough made into an infant's bed looks like the beginning of a downer of a movie. And yet, there in the darkness - hope springs to life - outsiders become insiders - life itself becomes open to the dark and to the light. The Reign of God as darkness may surprise us with joy we did not anticipate. 


O God of love and new life, you are with us in the darkness and in that darkness you still promise life forevermore - even when light is not shining  Amen. 








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