Thursday, April 10, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for April 10, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as moving toward life. If you have any comments - .


God as moving toward life does not necessarily mean God is not moving toward death. In fact, that is what God does for us and with us. God as moving toward life will demonstrate that death cannot keep us away from the power of life that God blows into our lives in every moment. Death tries to distract us and move us and threaten us so that we will let our lives be less than full of the life God hands us. God as moving toward life becomes the life that death longs to defeat. So this God we know in the Christ, Jesus, goes right ahead and lives unto life eternal - life that heals all things. Death, in the meantime, goes a bit bananas and tries to trip up Jesus at every stop in the road. This is also how we move through the days at hand. God as moving toward life invites us to move along into that life that death finds troublesome and disturbing because it is a life that will go on with God's Reigning life and laugh at death's power. I find that it take a bunch of people helping one another laugh at death for us to follow this God as moving toward life. I call those people followers of Jesus. They may go by other names - but I call them the followers of Jesus and that is how I pray I will move through the power of death and into that life of promise.


O God of love and new life, take us on that trip that will reveal to us the fullness of your promises for life -  Amen.





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