Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for April 29, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

After 14 or 15 months of looking at God as, today begins a new ride: The Reign of God as - all new. If you have any comments - adebelak@redeemerluth.com .


The Reign of God as all new changes our routines and gives us the opportunity to enter them with new eyes and new moves. Routines are often good for us - a bit of order to make sure we responsibly do the work we have been handed. The Reign of God as all new gives us more to consider as we go about those routines. Our daily patterns are not to be given the power to turn us from the life of God's Reign. Right in the middle of our mundane routines are the moments that Jesus often turned into amazing events. A regular trip to the synagogue becomes a time of healing and that time of healing becomes a moment when the powers of the world and the power of the Reign of God meet up. As we know, the new adventure of God's Reign is not usually appreciated by those who think they must manage the mundane and rule the ordinary. The Reign of God as all new opens our eyes to see how God's presence can and will bring new life into that which we claim to know so well. Therefore, every moment holds an abundance of 'what just may be'.


O God of love and new life, move us into that Reign that will turn each moment into your image present with us.   Amen.





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