Thursday, April 24, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for April 24, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as fear and great joy. If you have any comments - .


God as fear and great joy is that power that grabs hold of us and pulls us into God's living Reign along the way of Jesus - even when we do not know what that will mean for us. How can we know what it will mean for us!? God as fear an great joy is as troubling as any change in our lives. Change and new directions and surprises are not always met with a calm heart and a clear mind. God as fear and great joy is the twirling we all are most likely to do when we are sent out beyond our place to bring news that is meant to change everything. Wouldn't you like to be sitting at the edge of the circle of conversation the women had with other women after they told the disciples what they saw and heard!? Wouldn't you like to sitting a the edge of the circle of conversation the men had after the women came back with their witness?! God as fear and great joy doesn't care about all the conversation - this is the God that calls forth life - move on - get going - meet you up ahead - let's go.


O God of love and new life, though we so often wonder about the life into which we are being pulled by your Spirit of Life, settle our hearts and get us moving.  Amen.





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