Thursday, April 3, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for April 3, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as breaking new ground. If you have any comments - .


God as breaking new ground expands all things. Nothing is as big or as small as it was thought to be. Therefore, we cannot control God's ever expanding Reign. God as breaking new ground nudges us to go farther in our loving and to reach out to those considered the smallest or the least and embrace them as beloved. God as breaking new ground pulls us our of ourselves and helps us to take another look at the world we claim to know so well. The world we know so well and often want to keep as we know it is not the world of this God as breaking new ground. Rather, our God leads us into visions and dreams of what is not yet. Those visions and dreams can be a part of the life we have before us - in fact, I would suggest they must be. It is out beyond our well-controlled world that we bump into the God who keeps spinning us out into an ever-expanding expression of God's love.


O God of love and new life, take us for a spin and stretch us until we think we cannot go any farther - and then, stretch us again.  Amen.





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