Thursday, April 17, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for April 17, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as Holy Week. If you have any comments - .


God as Holy Week is water poured over feet. It is not merely an exercise in humility. It is how God's Reign flows. God as Holy Week is the invitation into acts of hospitality - as simple as that. Any and all who come into the community of the followers of Jesus become people who wash feet. God as Holy Week shows us how to do that. It may not be with water in a basin. It may be by way of the many times within this day that we can offer someone a place in which they will be greeted with the graciousness of God's Reign. The powers of our world usually see other people as mere commodities - things bought and sold - things that will benefit the powers - things - just things. But God as Holy Week sees all people as precious instruments of God's Reign - instruments that need to be refreshed and need to be reminded of the way life is renewed when the grace of God is available for all. A bit of water cannot do much to really wash feet, but the offer - the movement - the bending down - the act of revealing one's feet, takes us all into a scene of God's home of welcome and peace. God as Holy Week is an experience each of us are handed this week and each week to follow. 


O God of love and new life, make each week within your gracious Reign full of your holy life that never ceases to pull us from our shells and emerge as new beings in your love. Amen.





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