Monday, April 28, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for April 28, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

After 14 or 15 months of looking at God as, today begins a new ride: The Reign of God as - all new. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as all new is just that. Nothing that has been - nothing that we have seen hanging over our heads - none of the monsters of regret and hate and fear and shame can run our lives. That is the resurrection word to us. Life is now to be defined within the bounds of God's extreme and thorough forgiveness. The Reign of God as all new casts out the demons that have a way of sneaking back into our lives. And yet, in the light of the resurrection, the forgiveness that leaves behind everything - every moment - every other person that has ever tried to control us - is now making things new - fresh - no baggage. Too often, even the notion of 'new' is just a cleaned up version of how things have always been. It is like cleaning our garage. It looks like new for awhile - but it still holds all the old 'junk' that we cannot make ourselves throw away. The Reign of God as all new sets us up as new. We are the beloved of God and God don't make no junk. Nothing that has been - rules anymore.


O God of love and new life, remind us of the openness of your Reign that continues to pull us into life we often will not let ourselves experience or trust.  Amen.





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